At the moment i have suspended that domain from being able to be used as your e-mail when you sign up. Anyone with a g-mail mail account(currently signed up) or wishing to sign up. Should notify me and I will make the changes necessary to your account. I highly encourage using another e-mail server, as there are so many to choose from. But if need be I will create (for anybody new) an account using a g-mail address.
Please contact: ............................. SoFla_DSMATcomcastDOTnet
The main reason for this is the over whelming amount of spam accounts, I have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes even an hourly basis and they seem to now be using regular e-mail accounts. I apologize in advance for this inconvenience but it's for the good of the board and our members.
_________________ Being a "Patriot" does not mean prioritizing service to government above all else. -Edward Snowden