(Broward & WPB).....
We meet every other Sunday at
7pm sharp!
South Florida DSM meet calendar <-
This is more or less an all DSM meet,
N/t(420a's) and Evo's are also welcome and
upon ocassion our members will invite friend's from other
boards or clubs. Which is cool as long as everyone who
stops/comes by can be civil.
And if your car is not running don't feel bad, just try to stop by anyway
and have a good time(we welcome beaters

). I hope to see everyone
there this sunday, until then take care...
Parking lot @ Checkers
5590 N University Dr
Lauderhill, FL
Map <- yahoo directions
There's a
Discount Auto parts store across the street from us on the
NE corner of University and Commericial, just incase your still lost on
This is a map of the exact location

Interactive map of the area:
http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5590+N+University+Dr++33351&sll=26.183786,-80.271263&sspn=0.147268,0.194321&g=5590+N+University+Dr++33351&ie=UTF8&ll=26.194703,-80.251908&spn=0.009203,0.012145&z=16&iwloc=addrI will get pics of the entire area soon as well....
EDIT*- here are some:

DAP across the street(click)

[/url]University and commerical